Looking for a Coach or Team Manager?
Are you looking to reach a Coach or Team Manager on a specific team in a specific division?
The Hockey Calgary website has this information listed. Use the link below and then choose the division and the team you are looking for.
Note - This information is typically updated in October each year after all the team assignments are completed.
Who Makes Up Team Operations?
To assist teams with the 'day-to-day' operations, this page was constructed to help ensure that everyone involved in Team Operations has access to information related to their position. Team Operations ('TeamOps') is made up of the following positions;
Head Coach
1 Head Coach per team in both Community and House League
Assistant Coaches
Maximum of 4 per team in both Community and House League
1 per team in both Community and House League
Assistant Managers
1 per team in both Community and House League
Team Treasurer
1 per team in the Community League
Raffle Liasion
1 per team in the Community League to assist with the Association Cash Raffle
Jersey Parents
Up to 2 per team in the Community League and 1 per team in House League
Tournament Coordinator
1 per team in the Community League