Assistant Coach

There are up to four (4) Assistant Coaches on each Community team, and one (1) of the Assistant Coaches must be responsible for tracking and submitting attendance each month during the season.

Duties of the Attendance Tracker are:

  1. * NEW Updates * Have an understanding of the Attendance Policy.
  2. The spreadsheet provided to you is a Google Doc and Gmail is required to track the team attendance.
  3. Must enter the attendance data by the 5th of each month, for the previous month's attendance.
  4. Ensure the Attendance Policy is communicated to the team.
  5. Absences are to be recorded accurately on the spreadsheet, and followed up on in a timely manner.
  6. TeamSnap may be used for assisting with the tracking of attendance; however, there must be confirmation of accuracy. For example; a parent may indicate their participant IS attending, but they may not have shown up.
  7. If the Assistant Coach in charge of tracking attendance is not at a practice/game, they should follow up with the Head Coach to verify who was missing.