COVID-19 - Return to Hockey

In our current environment, this is not a typical hockey season, and it will look different.

Hockey Calgary in conjunction with the Associations has developed a Return to Hockey plan. The plan that will ensure our athletes continue to grow both on and off the ice.

SW PRESIDENT Letter - August 12, 2020

All Member Associations MUST track all participants and interactions, maintaining records in a secure location for 30 days from completion of activity.

What happens if I answer ‘YES’?

  • Any participant who answers YES to any of the questions must NOT attend or participate in the program and may not return until after a minimum 14-day quarantine from the activity.

Members and sanctioned partners are to report any COVID-19 cases as required by Alberta Health Services, Member, hockey association, league and facility. Hockey Calgary must be notified immediately after Alberta Health has been notified.

Facility Protocols

It will be the responsibility of the user (e.g. players, coaches and parents) to check the most currently listed Covid-19 protocols before arriving at the facility. Southwest Hockey will do it’s best to keep these links current, but please recognize that changes can occur by the facilities at any time.

SW Hockey expects that ALL players, coaches, and parents WILL respect and follow protocols set by each facility. Failure to follow protocols will lead to disciplinary measures taken by the Board of Directors.

Please be KIND, and RESPECT the facilities and their staff.

 As per the City of Calgary Bylaw – masks are required to be worn by everyone prior to entering the facilities. Players are expected to wear a mask anytime they are not wearing their helmet.

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Mandatory Waivers

The following waivers are required to be filled out once for the season.  There is a waiver for the participant and another one for the adults.  Adults required to fill out the form are for "any person who is volunteering and or spectating"  We realize that not all facilities allow spectators at this time but we still require the tracking at the start of the season.

Cardel Rec South

Cardel Rec South - Facility Waiver

Click here to complete the ONLINE waiver


TT Logo

Tsuut'ina Nation Arena Waiver

Participant Waiver -- Click here to PRINT a copy and complete

Adult Waiver -- Click Here to PRINT a copy and complete

Note -- this will be collected with your VB Agreement Form.




Use this self-assessment tool to help determine whether you need to be tested for COVID-19 or if you would like to be voluntarily tested. You can complete this assessment for yourself or on behalf of someone else, if they are not able.



The Alberta Government has offered some guidance on Cohorts.

The cohort document is to help individuals to better understand the concept of a cohort in the COVID-19 context; how cohorts help to limit the spread of the virus; the difference between core cohort and other types of cohorts; and how to keep cohorts safe. 


  • advises they feel ill at the facility or activity
  • advises Team Staff they are not feeling well and will not be attending
  • advises they have symptoms of Covid-19 and will not be attending
  • advises they have tested positive for Covid19


Governing Bodies - Return to Play

While the documents below may not provide all the answers for how the season will ultimately unfold it does provide a basic framework that allows us to operate within current public health orders and adapt as this very dynamic situation evolves.  Clicking on any of the logos will take you to the desired site for their Return to Hockey information.....