coach reimburse

Coach Reimbursement

Southwest Hockey will reimburse “selected” coaches 100% for the required courses for your division.


Coaches who would like to submit a reimbursement may submit ONLY ONE reimbursement request per season. Therefore PLEASE wait until you have completed ALL of your courses BEFORE submitting the reimbursement form for approval.


Submissions accepted November 1, 2020 ---> February 1, 2021

coach envelope4

Before submitting, do you have the following:

  • MUST provide a copy of your receipt(s) for the course;
  • MUST provide a copy of your certification(s) proving successful completion;
  • Reimbursements are only for courses taken within the current season.


Ready to Submit your Reimbursement?

  1. Print the Reimbursement Form - CLICK HERE.
  2. Fill out the form, completely.
  3. Staple your receipts and certifications to the Reimbursement Form. Only courses taken in the current season are eligible.
  4. Put everything into an envelope and drop it off at the Cardel Rec South Reception Office, Attn: Director of Coaches - Southwest Hockey
  5. Note: Submissions received require approval from the Director of Coaches; in order to be reimbursed;
coach payment


  • Submissions received between the 1st & the 20th of each month can expect to pick up their reimbursement cheque by the 15th of the following month. If you drop your submission off outside of these dates then your reimbursement cheque will be extended by a month.
  • Reimbursement cheques will be available for pick up at the Cardel Rec South Reception Office, by the 15th of each month.
  • Final date for Reimbursement cheque pick up is March 15, 2021
  • Cheques not picked up by March 30, 2021 will be returned to the Association and will be cancelled.