House League vs Communtiy


The House League is open to participants in U9 & U11 only. This chart will help you understand the difference and to choose the right program. There are a number of factors that contribute to making a decision of what program is right for you as a family. The main factors to consider are the following:

  • Cost
  • Time Commitment
  • Travel
  • Ability to play with friends
  • Development
  • Fun
COMPARINGHouse LeagueCommunity League
Pathway SkatesYesYes
Player PlacementTeams are balancedPlayers are tiered based on skill
Set SchedulesYESNo
Cash CallsNOYes
Volunteers Required for ProgramYESYes
Volunteer BondDetermined by AssociationYes
Full-Ice PracticesNOU9: No // U11: Some
Full-Ice GamesU9: No // U11: YesU9: No // U11: Yes
Purchase Additional IceNOYes
Exhibition Games PermittedNOYes
Tournaments PermittedNOYes
Esso Minor Hockey WeekNOYes
House League JamboreeYes. Hosted by Hockey CalgaryNo
Playoffs PermittedNOU9: No // U11: Yes
Police Checks for CoachesYES. MandatoryYes. Mandatory
Coaching RequirementsSame in both leaguesSame in both leagues